“By far the most meaningful, thoughtfully produced and actively cultivated conference I have ever been privileged to attend.”
“By far the most meaningful, thoughtfully produced and actively cultivated conference I have ever been privileged to attend.”
In September 2018, the Fourth International Teaching Artist Conference (ITAC4) took place in New York City. Collaboratively hosted by Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center Education, and DreamYard, this event brought together over 300 artists, educators, and administrators from around the world to explore key issues in participatory arts practice through a dynamic mix of practical workshops, keynote speeches, site-specific observations, and round-table discussions.
ITAC4 Opening Plenary Session. Photo by DreamYard Media Interns.
Served as Producer and Conference Director for ITAC4, overseeing all conference planning and operations, and serving as the liaison between the conference hosts and the international delegates and presenters.
Participatory workshop. Photo by DreamYard Media Interns.
Led a diverse team of artists and staff to plan and implement content for this 4-day international conference, including keynote speakers and over 80 workshops and breakout sessions.
ITAC4 Website. Photo by Amy Kirkland.
Managed the conference website, social media channels, and the first-ever digital live stream of an ITAC Conference.
“From the moment the conference began, to the minute it ended, I was constantly filled with phenomenal insight, inspiration, and support. The enormity of the conference and the smooth execution of every detail was extraordinary.”
Create Justice is a national hub that helps collect, organize, and amplify arts-centered approaches to transforming youth justice systems. Supported by Carnegie Hall’s Weill Music Institute, the Arts for Healing and Justice Network (AHJN) in Los Angeles, and partners nationwide, this initiative believes in the power of the arts as a tool for societal transformation and as a catalyst to reimagine and strengthen communities.
Mark Bamuthi Joseph presenting at Create Justice March 2018. Photo by Fadi Kheir.
Producer for the annual Forum in New York City, which brings together thought leaders, artists, representatives from nonprofit and government agencies, and policymakers from across the US with the aim of developing collective impact strategies to help all youth reach their full potential through opportunities in the arts..
Leadership workshops in Los Angeles, September 2017.
Plan and implement collaborative leadership development and strategic planning for the ongoing national efforts of the Create Justice movement.
Create Justice Forum at Carnegie Hall. Photo by Fadi Kheir.
Coordinate communications among Create Justice leaders, partner organizations, and Forum participants through the website, social media channels, and direct email correspondence.
Musical Explorers and Link Up are two of Carnegie Hall’s flagship programs for students and educators in grades K-5. In these highly participatory programs, thousands of students in New York City and around the world learn musical skills in their classrooms through engaging curriculum resources, and then perform alongside professional musicians in a culminating live concert.
Link Up Concert at Carnegie Hall. Photo by Chris Lee.
Served as collaborative creator and producer of a series of interactive educational concerts held annually at Carnegie Hall and at performing arts centers around the world.
Musical Explorers at The Broad Stage in Santa Monica, CA.
Worked with a team of musicians, designers, writers, and educators to create accompanying resources for every concert program, including: scripts, scores, visual projections, and audience development tools.
Musical Explorers Interactive Concert.
Lead teams of performers and production artists to create and stage interactive, educational performances.